And they only looked at people from two countries.
Basically, they found 60 things that can affect hair, eye, or skin color, and some of those can affect some or all of those at the same time. In the world of genes, there are dominant genes, which take over any recessive gene (brown, black), recessive genes (blonde), which will be taken over by any dominant gene, or incomplete dominent genes (red).
Roughly half of those only affected one thing (eye, or hair, or skin, but only one), a fifth of those single base changes contributed to two different traits, and a full 25% of those SNPs were related with three traits. Red hair is not actually a recessive gene (like blonde is), but is rather an incomplete dominant. That is to say, they found 60 DNA bases that explained their data.

Revealed 104 associations that reached genome-wide significance, accounted for by 60 distinct SNPs, of which 32 showed genome-wide association with only one pigmentation trait, 12 with two traits and 16 with three traits. 7 What are examples of recessive traits 8 Are brown eyes dominant 9 Is tall a dominant trait 10 Are dimples a dominant trait 11 Is dark skin dominant or recessive 12 Which best defines a dominant trait 13 What is dominant trait and recessive traits class 10 14 Are big noses a dominant gene 15 Is curly hair dominant or recessive 16 Are. Still, just from those simple comparisons, their scans: The researchers looked in a group of Icelandic and Dutch individuals, which means they only looked at a small portion of human variability (i.e., very few African or Asian genomes, for example). This paper performed genome-wide association scans looking at two comparisons each for eyes (Blue and green, blue and brown), hair (red or not, blond or brown), and skin (freckles, sun-sensitivity). It's a deep, deep rabbit hole that we have only begun to plunge into.ĮDIT: To summarize, it's very complex. There is no "hair color gene." A fascinating paper came out a few years ago, identifying dozens of SNPs playing a role in hair and eye color. That's why there are different kinds of brown, blond, and red hair in the population. Most traits, especially those as complex as color, are controlled by many alleles at many loci.