nothing runner=xGKhxpuZ Dialing: tcp :443. nothing runner=7xg4QeuL Dialing: tcp :443. nothing runner=J2rNG6mX Dialing: tcp :443.
#Parallels 13 mojave windows#
I installed by using the Parallels Control Center, choosing File >New >Install Windows or another OS from a DVD or image file >Continue (button) >Install macOS Mojave.app (auto-detected in my Applications folder, and shown by default) >Continue (button). nothing runner=MNkSLmRh Dialing: tcp :443. I successfully installed macOS Mojave as a guest OS on Parallels 14.0.1. nothing runner=i_J3WDT2 Feeding runners to channel builds=1 Checking for jobs. nothing runner=j8uWsn42 Dialing: tcp :443.

nothing runner=sbcMdS-g Dialing: tcp :443. nothing runner=BSxJ4Xz2 Dialing: tcp :443. nothing runner=K1uSSmx3 Dialing: tcp :443.

nothing runner=i_J3WDT2 Feeding runners to channel builds=1 Dialing: tcp :443. nothing runner=MNkSLmRh Dialing: tcp :443. nothing runner=4yjHLpr3 Dialing: tcp :443.
#Parallels 13 mojave mac#
nothing runner=BSxJ4Xz2 Found MAC address for NIC: net0 - 001C421E881F Requesting IP address. Preparing the "parallels" executor job=1229282 project=5513 runner=K1uSSmx3 Shell configuration: environment: dockercommand: - sh -c - "if then\n\texec /usr/local/bin/bash -login\nelif then\n\texec /usr/bin/bash -login\nelif then\n\texec /bin/bash -login\nelif then\n\texec /usr/local/bin/sh -login\nelif then\n\texec /usr/bin/sh -login\nelif then\n\texec /bin/sh -login\nelif then\n\texec /busybox/sh -login\nelse\n\techo shell not found\n\texit 1\nfi\n\n" command: bash arguments: -login passfile: false extension: "" job=1229282 project=5513 runner=K1uSSmx3 Executing PrlctlOutput: string Dialing: tcp :443. received job=1229282 repo_url= runner=K1uSSmx3 Processing chain chain-leaf= context=certificate-chain-build Certificate doesn't provide parent URL: exiting the loop Issuer=COMODO RSA Certification Authority IssuerCertURL= Serial=0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 Subject=COMODO RSA Certification Authority context=certificate-chain-build Processing chain chain-leaf= context=certificate-chain-build Certificate doesn't provide parent URL: exiting the loop Issuer=AddTrust External CA Root IssuerCertURL= Serial=1 Subject=AddTrust External CA Root context=certificate-chain-build Requeued the runner builds=1 runner=K1uSSmx3 Running with gitlab-runner 12.9.0 (4c96e5ad) job=1229282 project=5513 runner=K1uSSmx3 on DM-C07Z30A3JYW0-xcode-11.3.1 K1uSSmx3 job=1229282 project=5513 runner=K1uSSmx3 Dialing: tcp :443. nothing runner=4yjHLpr3 Checking for jobs.